Volunteer Awards 2021

Hosted by Heriot-Watt University Student Union

Fri 09 April 2021 18:00-20:00


At the union we have some great volunteers, this is the night where we say thank you!

Loads of Societies, Society Leaders, Class Reps, School Officers (and more!) have been nominated for our awards and we're looking forward to seeing you there!

Have a look at the programme and activities pack HERE!

We'll be broadcasting over on our Facebook page @ HWUnion! You can join the stream directly here.

If you've been nominated for an award (or won an hours award) we'd love to have you in our "party room" from 5:30pm onwards, where you can chill out and say a few words if you win (if you want to!), plus we'll all be around afterwards to chat and celebrate the end of the semester.

Nominations are STILL OPEN! Click here to place a nomination.