provide suggestions for the Heriot-Watt Student Union

What does the Student Union do?
The Heriot-Watt Student Union supports the 12,000 UK campus-based students in heaps of different ways. This can be through facilitating over 60 student societies, and helping students start up a society. This can be through academic support put into work by our class reps and school officers. Campaigns led by our four Full-Time Officers such as campaigning against Gender Based Violence, supporting measures to help students through the Cost-of-Living crisis and supporting students looking for accommodation. We also run the Advice Hub which gives students impartial advice on a range of different issues such as Accommodation support, mitigating circumstances, academic appeals as well as supporting international students assimilating with Scottish life.
How can I improve Student life at Heriot-Watt?
Other than getting involved with the Student Union, you can improve Student Life at Heriot-Watt by providing us with suggestions specifically to you. Is there enough study space on campus? Is course feedback being provided in the best possible way? Do you think there should be better options on our Campus facilities? Are you at the Orkney/Galashiels campus and have an awesome event you want to put on?
Drop your suggestions below!
We’re here to support students and your suggestions will help us immensely for work to focus on, that we may be overlooking!