Parents and Carers Group 

Group for any student who is a parent or carer

Are you a parent as well as a student? Are you a student who is caring for a family member or relative who is ill or has a disability? You do not need to be an "official" or "registered" carer.

If you want to speak someone in person, pop into the Advice Hub (opposite the Shop in the Hugh Nisbet Building) or email

The purpose of this group is to offer opportunities to meet other students with caring responsibilities and keep you up to date with available support. 




We've no news at the moment!




If you'd like to stay in touch with what the Parents and Carers Group is doing, then click below and hit update to join the contact list!

By joining the contact list for this group, you are agreeing to receive communications from us relating to the Parents and Carers Group group. Your personal data and identity will not be shared without your express permission, unless we feel there is a risk of danger to yourself or others. You can read full information about how we handle privacy here.