Officer's statement: Racist Riots in the Uk

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Your Student Officer’s statement on the recent far-right violence:


Your Student Union Officer Team is simply appalled by the recent racist and Islamophobic violence and deplorable actions across the UK. We stand firmly against such disgusting violence and are committed to supporting and protecting our diverse student community. 

Our student movement is a united force, standing firmly behind the brave individuals who are risking their safety to protect and support our communities, and are opposing these far-right attacks. We fundamentally believe in the human right to protest, but we want to be clear: this is not a protest but violent riots and domestic extremism, and we must call them out as such.

This violence is not a case of isolated incidents but part of a dangerous narrative in normalising racism and anti-migrant sentiments. Migrant, racialised and Muslim students are always welcome in our community and are a vital part of our student movement. The student movement has been and will continue to focus on actively working towards dismantling systemic racism and fostering an environment of equality and understanding.  

Your officer team is in direct contact with other officers from across Scotland, the UK, and the National Union of Students (NUS) to collaborate on how we can combat these deplorable actions and support our students. 

We will keep students updated with information about these violent incidents that may affect locations where our students are located, as we become aware of these. In the meanwhile, we call for:

  • Political leadership to call out the root causes of the recent events and tackle the rise of the far-right violence within the United Kingdom
  • Transparency from the Scottish Government and Police Scotland regarding any riots that may take place within Scotland. 
  • Students, staff and friends of Heriot-Watt to sign the National Union of Students statement on Students against far-right Violence -

We stand in solidarity with those affected by the far-right and extreme riots and those who are being subject to the most horrendous abuse. We want to reiterate that racism and Islamophobia have no place in our community, and we strongly reject all forms of racial prejudice, bias, and discrimination. 

Our solidarity is not just a gesture but is a crucial stand against hate and injustice. We are committed to creating an environment of equality and understanding. Scotland’s Universities and Colleges welcome students from all over the world, and we reject all forms of racism, discrimination, Islamophobia and violence.

We know many of you may be considering attending one of the counter-protests. For more information on your right to protest and how to stay safe please visit

If any of our students are worried, anxious, or scared about what they see, we want to reassure you that we are here for you. You should contact the Student Union or University Support services directly. We want to emphasise our unwavering commitment to supporting you through these challenging times. You belong here, and we care about you.


Your Officer Team



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