June FTO Recap

Read what we got up to in June!

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It’s the first recap for the new FTO team!

 June was a busy month with the team settling in and getting to know each other as well as the key people that they will be working with for the next year! Read what we got up to below:


Global Induction

June kicked off with our global induction where we were subjected to some vigorous training sessions with our global team including the Presidents from Malaysia, Pearlyn, and Ridhima from the Dubai campus, we bonded incredibly and the training set us up with our new global priorities which are:

  • Relieving financial pressure.
  • Building and empowering communities for everyone.
  • And improving access to education and recreation.


Meeting with key people

We have been meeting with university staff and stakeholders to establish working relationships with these key figures who will be useful in ensuring students' voices are heard and issues are addressed. Through this, I have already raised concerns about the impact of the hiring freeze on students and the Student Staff Ratio, issues with the investment policy not including a ban on weapons manufacturers, and the housing crisis.



June also involves Summer Graduations. We, as a team, all get to speak at graduation ceremonies congratulating students. The whole team did a great job writing and performing their speeches in front of graduating students.


Sense-Based Approach to Student Drug Use

Following on from our Sense-Based Approach to Student Drug Use survey, which received around 200 respondents, we will use the data to drive harm reduction policy changes and look to offer more information and support to our students who use or are impacted by drug use. There has also been advice published by Universities UK which recommends moving away from "zero tolerance" and contains lots of useful information on how to have a harm reduction approach.


Housing Survey

Following the Housing Campaigns Working Group, we have been involved with analysing and building a report that will be published to students. This report will help show the severity of the crisis that students at all 3 UK campuses are facing; the working group can use this information to lobby the university for change and address the challenges that students face regarding accommodation.


Carrying on projects

  • Black Voices project: Discussions have been had with the BME Advocates for the plans for the rest of the term.
  • Freshers Week: Planning for Freshers Week is well on its way and we’re hoping it’ll be our best yet
  • Feel Good Fest: Plans for Feel Good Fest in October have started, with the first stalls being reached out to now!



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