Big Changes to Student Representation

We've shaken up our representation structure. Read here for more details!

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Our big changes

We’re opening up applications for the Student Elections on the 27th of January

But wait!...

There are some massive changes afoot, so even if you are new to Heriot-Watt and have never experienced elections before, we can bring you up to speed!

First of all, we’re moving from four Full Time Officers to three *Gasp*. The new positions will be:

  • President
  • VP Academic
  • VP Student Communities

We’ve restructured these roles to reflect that wellbeing isn’t an isolated concept—it’s influenced by every part of your student experience, from academic challenges to feeling a sense of belonging within the community. With this change, we aim to ensure that wellbeing remains a priority across all areas of your student life.


We’re also shaking up Student Parliament

You will now not be voting in members of the Student Parliament. Historically, these are your School MPs & Student MPs. The only three positions that you will be electing in March are the three Full Time Officer positions.

Instead, there will be way more opportunities for you to get involved with decision making, in a light touch way. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to tell us what’s important to you, so we can work on the stuff that really matters.

And when big decisions need to be made, we’ll turn to our new Student Executive Team. It’ll be made up of eight students who will be appointed to look at the data and what YOU are telling us, before giving us a steer. If this sounds like something you might want be involved in, sign up here.


Why are we changing things?

Over 750 of you have given us your thoughts through our Representation Review Survey and focus groups, and have told us what your priorities are. You told us you want representatives who have the right skills to do the job, make decisions based on data and facts, and take time to think things we’re shaking things up and trying something new.


What’s next?

We can’t wait to go on this journey with you, so keep an eye out for when we launch election applications for our 3 Full-time Officer positions on the 27th!

If you have any questions or want to find out more, get in touch here 



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