An Unbelievable Union

What do we mean by an Unbelievable Union

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By An Unbelievable Union… what do we mean?

The Student Union is rather bizarre place in general, we really do try to do everything to help the student life experience at Heriot-Watt. We’ve launched the Unbelievable campaign to help put across to you that even though it might seem a bit ridiculous how many things we get involved with… it really is all believable.


We don’t just throw parties in Freshers Week…

Almost all of you will interact with us at some point during Freshers Week, almost a full summer of work culminates to 10 days and nights of ice breakers, parties, and fun. Throughout the rest of the year, that’s when our substantial work begins.
Yeah, we do still throw parties and events, but we also support 50+ societies throughout the full year, from being a space that they can book easily (and for free!) for anything they want really to offering advice on risk assessments and promoting them through our own channels we do help an awful lot. We provide you with toiletries and meal deals, we also pull pints and cook burgers for you. We’re a safe space for students to be their authentic self, and we’re also there for you when times get tough. We’re there for 1 on 1 private chats and we’re strength in numbers for when there is a collective issue.


An  #UnbelievableUnion

Throughout the #UnbelieveableUnion campaign, we hope to showcase to you all the many ways we can help with your time at university. So, when you go to use a microwave on campus you go “what an unbelievable Union” or when you use the community larder you go “what an Unbelievable Union” or even when you get help going through an academic appeal you go… you get the point now.



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