Setting up a new society
What do you need
1. Drop Christy an email to register your interest. We can set you up as a prospective society and advertise your society in our Members Wanted section. If you don't have them already, we can then help you find the 9 other interested members (5 in SBC) you'll need (as well as 2 committee members) to launch your society!
2. Once you've found your folks, email Christy to access your affiliation form.
3. Once they're complete, the form will be discussed by Societies Council (our monthly societies meeting) where you can pitch your society and answer any questions. The council then votes to approve the society.
4. If the society has been approved, congrats, your society is now part of the Student Union! Don't worry if you don't get approved the first time around you can make some changes and try again (although most of our societies are good to go the first try).
5. The final step is to set up a bank account for your society.
Your society is now up and running!
What are you waiting for?
Other things to do
A great logo can really set you apart from the crowd, there's plenty of great free tools online to make one such as canva's logo designer (we have more information about using canva here.). Once you've created your logo let Christy know!
Start to share your society with students. Set up social media and get the word out. Tag the Student Union @hwunion and/or @hwunionsbc and we'll try and share your new society on our feeds too. More about marketing your society here.

Malaysian Society