Room Booking
Booking rooms at the Student Union
You can book out Student Union meeting rooms here. Please note, your booking is not confirmed until you have recieved a booking confirmation email.
If you'd like to book Zeros, please speak to the Head of Commercial Development, Stewart, at These facilities are usually free to societies, however, depending upon your event, there may be some additional charges for extras like:
- Deposit for Opening the Bar (if the bar makes more than £100, your deposit is returned)
- Having our Security Staff Present
- Use of the Events Crew
Make sure you've completed a risk assesment for your event.
Booking rooms at The Scottish Borders Campus
If you'd like to book out The Thread, please contact
Booking rooms in the main university building and Bridge Link
Society Presidents should be granted access to the Univerity's Room Booker in the near future. In the mean time, if you would like to book a room in a University building or table on the link bridge, drop an email with the following information:
- Society Name
- Name and contact mobile number for the member of the society responsible for the booking on the day (This will be shared with our Safeguarding and Reception teams in case of emergency)
- Date/Time the stand is required to and from (including time to set-up and de-set)
- Activity Planned (A brief description of the purpose of the booking, e.g. Bake Sale or Promotion of the Society)
- Details of any food you would like to provide.
Bridge Link Terms and Conditions
- Tables are not available to book until Week 2 of Semester
- There is a maximum of 4 stands per day* Mon -Fri
- Each stand will be provided with 1 x 5ft table, if additional tables are required, they must be booked separately. Stands must not intrude more than 1.4m from the windows. Any stand that causes a blockage may be required to move, reduced in size or be removed
- Food can only be provided and/or sold on the Bridge Link with pre-approval from Hospitality Services. Items you would like to provide must be detailed on the booking form
- It is not possible to provide hot food or hot/cold drinks on the Bridge Link
- There is a maximum of 1 Bake Sale booking per day and a maximum of 2 per week
- Food allergen labelling must be provided on the day
- During peak periods Societies may be limited to 2 bookings per week
- Posters must not be affixed with Sellotape
- Permission is not guaranteed
- You are obligated to notify Hospitality Services ( of any damage to equipment, fabric or furniture and accidents within 24hrs. Subject to investigation charges may be applied to repair, replace or specially clean
- The University and or Student Union reserves the right to refuse a booking if the aims of those requesting the booking are considered to be in conflict with, or in violation of University Policies or Values.
Classroom Terms and Conditions of Booking
- Teaching timetables are not confirmed until the end of week 3 for each Semester. Until the timetable is confirmed we are unable to book facilities prior to 1800hrs
- Users should
-Use the room for the purposes stated at point of booking and for no other purpose
-Take all reasonable steps to ensure that no damage is caused to the room by those attending the event and it must be left in a clean and tidy state, with furniture returned to the default layout
-Dispose of any rubbish in the bins provided. Liquid must not be put in bins
- Ensure that you do not exceed the capacity for the room
-Consider the noise levels associated with their activities and ensure that they do not cause unreasonable disturbance to users of neighbouring areas
-Adhere to the HWU SU Society Standards and Behaviour Policy;
-Ensure that the AV facilities in the room are used with due care, tracking cameras are not moved or disconnected, any additional AV equipment requirements are discussed in advance with AV services and any issues that arise with the AV equipment that may cause an impact to teaching are reported immediately to AV Services via the IS Help Service Desk.
-Check-In and Check- Out on the SafeZone App on the day
-Vacate the room promptly
- You are obligated to notify Hospitality Services ( of any damage to equipment, fabric or furniture and/or accidents within 24hrs. Subject to investigation charges may be applied to repair, replace or to specially clean
- Facilities are provided free of charge on the basis that;
-The event is free for delegates to attend. If your Society intend to charge a delegate/entrance fee this must be declared on the booking request. In addition, you must provide notification if external delegates will be invited
-The booking is not made on behalf of or in conjunction with an external organisation. If the booking is associated with an external organisation this must be declared on the booking request
- The HWU SU must be notified of any events that involve external speakers. Guest speaker policy should be reviewed, and guest speaker form then submitted at least 3 weeks in advance of the event;
Events involving external speakers cannot be publicised until HWU SU have approved
Society must provide Hospitality Services with written evidence of HWU SU permission to proceed before the room booking can be confirmed
- Eating and Drinking is not permitted in any Centrally Timetabled Rooms with the exception of water
Visitors and delegates are not permitted to consume food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in University Social Spaces that have not been supplied by Hospitality Services without advance notice. If required, please contact Hospitality Services to discuss requirements
- If you are planning an employer event, authorisation must be given by the Careers and Graduate Futures Team prior to making a room booking. Please contact, Employer Liaison Officer, to seek authorisation
- We reserve the right to transfer your booking to a comparable room
- Permission is not guaranteed
- The University and or Student Union reserves the right to refuse a booking if the aims of those requesting the booking are considered to be in conflict with, or in violation of University Policies or Values.