Geordies is back!

If you've been before, you might notice a few changes in the way we operate, but behind all of that you can still enjoy a night out with us.

Opening Hours

We're open 5pm - 10pm every day. Due to current Government guidelines, we are only offering tables outside, but alcoholic drinks will be available.

You need to book in advance - but that's done online and is really straight-forward.

When you arrive at your booked time, check in with a member of the team who will show you to your reserved table. All members of your booking must provide their contact details for track and trace purposes.

You can then order your drinks through our online ordering site and pay with a debit / credit card - a member of the team will then bring your order to your table. Unfortunately we are not able to accept cash.

Important Information

Inline with current Scottish Government guidelines, the following applies to bookings with us...

  • A maximum of 6 people can meet.
  • Remember you need to maintain social distancing of 1 metre between households while sitting at your table, so be aware that 6 people from 6 separate households would not fit around one table if you are all 1 metre apart!
  • We are only able to serve you outdoors, but alcoholic drinks will be available. Sadly our kitchen is not open, but there will be a range of snacks available.

Thank you for your understanding - our staff will be on hand if you have any questions.

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