ONLINE Careers Fair - All Disciplines

Hosted by Careers Service

Thu 11 February 2021 10:00-15:00


Welcome to the 2021 Online Careers Fair organised by the Careers & Graduate Futures Service

This annual event, organised by the Careers & Graduate Futures Service gives final and penultimate year students from all disciplines the opportunity to talk to representatives from a wide range of companies, professional organisations, voluntary groups and educational establishments. Representatives will be pleased to answer all your questions about career and employment prospects. 

No matter what subject you are studying at Heriot-Watt, try to make the most of this great opportunity to speak with employers, establish new contacts and make a great first impression!

As this is an online event, you will need to book timeslots with each employer you wish to speak with - Bookings will open in January.

Our Careers Team will be available during the event to answer any questions you may have. 

Companies Attending (more to be confirmed):  

Barnett Waddingham
Crystal International Group Ltd
Cumming Corporation
Johnston Carmichael
Principle One
Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre
Teach First
USA Summer Camp
Wheatley Group

Find out more here.