If you're on the Edinburgh Campus, you can find a campus map here.
If you cycle to campus, or would to like to use the showers on campus, there's also a map of showers on campus here (about half way down the page). You can also shower in the GRID building, and any student or staff member can use the showers in Oriam free of charge. The showers are accessed via the main Oriam reception in the changing rooms on the left hand side as you go along the street corridor. Both male and female showers are available with cubicle showers. You do not need to speak to Oriam reception staff if you don't wish, as there are no ticket gates. If you would like to use the gym facilities, or find out more about Oriam, there's more info here.
Make sure to check out your union building and find out where you can eat, drink, and shop!
Find out more about the Edinburgh campus.
Understanding the map
Room names are shortened so that they fit on the timetable and are easy to read, each building on campus has a two letter key associated with it, so for example SR213 is Scott Russell 213 - this room will be in the Scott Russell building - the first number usually tells you which floor the room is on, so in this case SR213 will be in room 13 on floor 2 of the Scott Russell building. As you walk around campus you'll see room numbers on the door in each building.
DB = David Brewster
EC = Edwin Chadwick
EF = Esmee Fairbairn
EM = Earl Mountbatten
JC = John Coulson
JM = John Muir
JN = James Nasmyth
JW = James Watt
LT = Lecture Theatre
MB = Mary Burton
PG = Postgraduate Centre
SR = Scott Russell
WA = William Arrol
WP = William Perkin
Scottish Borders Campus
You can find the map for the Scottish Borders Campus here.
Find out more about the campus.
There's also a shuttle bus which runs daily between the Edinburgh and Scottish Borders Campus - more info can be found on this page.
The Thread
The Thread is in the Jean Muir Student Village, and is a social and events space for students.
You can find the map for the Orkney Campus here.
Find out more about the campus.
You can find out about the Dubai Campus here.
You can find out about the Malaysia Campus here.