There's some funds that might be available to you, depending on your situation. Have a read about the funds below and, if you think you qualify or would like some advice about the funds, you can pick up an application form to any of the funds from either Student Support and Accommodation or the Advice Hub, both of which can be found in the Hugh Nisbet building.
If you are a full-time home student, funded by any UK government, you can apply for assistance to help towards the cost of formal childcare. You must be in receipt of the maximum loan amount available to you. The childcare must be a nursery or childminder registered with the Scottish Care Inspectorate. Search for Childcare Fund in your AskHWU portal.
The participation grant is money to help students pay for Heriot-Watt Sports Clubs, Society Membership, equiptment, or travel to society or sports club events. You can apply for up to £100 here. This fund is generously supported by the Heriot-Watt University Annual Fund.

The hardship fund is administered by Student Support and Accommodation, and there are three different types of funds you can access, depending on what criteria you meet. If you are a full time or part time UK student (undergrad or postgrad) and you are in receipt of the maximum student loan available then you can apply. This fund is generally for living expenses, not tuition fees. There is no limit on applications and you don't have to pay it back.
The University has hardship funds to which any student can apply if they meet the criteria. This applies to undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students based in Edinburgh, Orkney or SBC campuses. To be eligible, you must be studying full time, and in receipt of the maximum amount of student loan available to you. To be successful in getting help from this fund, you must provide evidence that you are experiencing severe hardship and explain what has happened to cause this circumstance.
Find out more information and instructions on how to apply.
Hardship Funds cannot help with tuition fees. You can only ask for help with living expenses such as rent, bills and food costs.
Hardship Funds are not an ongoing monthly source of help – if you are successful the help you will be given is in the form of a one-off grant (the amount varies according to circumstances).
There is a separate hardship fund for international students and is awarded for living expenses (not fees) in the form of a grant that you do not have to pay back.
Frequently Asked Questions about the University Hardship Fund
How much information do I need to explain in the hardship form?
You need to give considerable information and detail. If you have written less than 500 words, you are unlikely to have given the hardship fund team enough information to fully understand your situation. Keep in mind that you are asking for money which you will not have to pay back. The more information you explain, the easier it will be for the team to decide if they can help you.
Writing sentences such as “Family circumstances mean I have no funds and am in a desperate situation” are not helpful unless you explain exactly what the family circumstances are, and exactly what you mean by a desperate situation. It is also helpful to include any evidence you can offer to support what you explain.
In the column where I write down my necessary expenditure, how do I know how much exactly I spend on food every month?
You don’t have to give an exact figure – it is fine to offer your best estimate of your expenditure.
I recently had a big car repair bill, and now cannot pay my bills. Can I apply to the Hardship Fund?
Yes, you can apply, but you will need to explain exactly why you need to own and drive a car, as this is a major expense, and the hardship fund will question this unless you have good reason. For example, you may not have public transport where you live, or you may have a disability which prevents you using public transport, or you may have family reasons which mean a car is vital.
I’m an international student who arrived recently and didn’t know it would be so expensive to live in Edinburgh. Can I ask for help from the Hardship Fund?
You can apply to the Hardship Fund, but you will need to explain clearly what happened to the money you had in your account in order to get your Visa to come and study here. In general, students are expected to plan for their studies, and do research into how much they need for living expenses. To get help from the Hardship Fund, you need to show that you did plan appropriately to fund your studies, but something has unexpectedly gone wrong, through no fault of your own, to cause your financial crisis.
I have a lot of debt. Will this mean the Hardship Fund cannot help me?
No, you can still apply. You should be prepared to explain what has happened and how this debt has built up.
I cannot live on my student loan but don’t want to get a job as I think my studies will suffer. Can I ask for help from the Hardship Fund?
You can apply for help, but you will be expected to make every attempt yourself to cover your expenses, and that would include looking for a part-time job. If you have health reasons why you cannot work part time, you should explain this (and offer evidence of this).
Even if I get some help from the Hardship Fund, I don’t know if I can pay my rent and bills for the rest of my studies.
If you cannot pay your living expenses and cannot see any way to earn the funds you need through a part time job, then you may need to temporarily suspend your studies. This means taking a break for a semester, or a year, in order to raise the money you need to survive while you are studying. You would then return to your studies. You can request a Temporary Suspension of Studies from your school, and it is their decision if they agree to this. You can read more information here.
Is there anyone who can help me with the hardship application form?
Yes, you can ask the student union Advice Hub by emailing advice.hub@hw.ac.uk and we will be happy to answer questions, check your application and offer feedback before you submit it.
How long does it take to get a decision about a hardship application?
It can take between three and six weeks to get a decision from the Hardship Fund team.
What if I have no money left for food during this time waiting for a decision?
Please contact the student union Advice Hub (advice.hub@hw.ac.uk) if this is your situation.