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What is a House of Multiple Occupation Licence?

If you live with two or more other people, you will most likely need to live in a property with a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licence. You don't need to apply for the licence, it's something that the landlord must apply for, and it means the property needs to meet certain standards, such as fire safety, and kitchen and bathroom facilities. Just keep an eye out on the listing for HMO, and make sure to check that your landlord has an HMO licence on this website.

A house or flat is classified as HMO if it's shared by people who are members of 3 or more families.

A 'family' can be made up of:

  • a couple (including married, living together, and same sex)

  • a parent and child (or children), including stepchildren and foster children

  • blood relatives, including brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren
    uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. Cousins are not included

Usually you'll be asked by the landlord or agent to sign a form stating your relationship before you move in if you are living in a non HMO property and would otherwise need an HMO licence.


You and two friends share a flat - You live in an HMO.
You and one friend share a flat - You don't live in an HMO.
You share a flat with your partner and a friend - You don't live in an HMO.


Check out this guide from Shelter Scotland about HMO Licences for more information.

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