Life can get in the way sometimes and might affect your studies. Don't worry, we can help!
We offer support in many areas related to your academic life, and if an issue is affecting your whole class or a larger group, then we can refer you to your Class Representative, or School Officer.
Here are examples of some of the things we can help with:
Study Advice
We've created a guide all about Study Skills, so make sure to check it out here.
Every student needs help with studying from time to time. The best person to ask about course-specific study tips is usually your lecturer or your Personal Tutor. The University allocates every student a Personal Tutor; a member of academic staff who you can approach with any issues you are having. You can find your Personal Tutor on the Student Self Service Portal under Student Services → Your Student Record.
You can also access a range of study skills advice and study support from Information Services. The Skills Hub operate through the academic year, with help in citing, referencing, academic writing and finding information, just some of the workshops available. More information is available here.
Mitigating Circumstances
We've created a guide all about Mitigating Circumstances, so make sure to check it out here.
Mitigating circumstances are any personal issues out of your control that you feel have got in the way of your academic studies or an exam (e.g. illness, family circumstances).
If something happens that affects your studies, then you need to tell the university about it as soon as possible. You can speak with either your personal tutor or your course director for advice, but you'll also need to complete a Mitigating Circumstances Form which can be found in your student portal. For further information on how to do this, or if you are not able to submit this online, then follow this guidance provided by the university.
It is really important that the University knows about any Mitigating Circumstances when they arise - otherwise, if you later wish to appeal on the basis of these circumstances, you will have to provide a good reason as to why you did not report them earlier. If you have already taken an assessment but your Board of Examiners has not yet met to confirm your results, then there should still be time to submit a Mitigating Circumstances form.
Academic Appeals
We've created a guide all about Academic Appeals, so make sure to check it out here.
We can provide support and independent advice with regards to academic appeals i.e. if you have received poor results and/or are unable to continue with your program of study due to mitigating circumstances.
We can help you decide if you have grounds for appeal, with drafting an appeal letter and advising on any supporting evidence you may need.
There are strict deadlines on making an appeal so please come and speak to someone as soon as you receive your grades or decisions about progression.
Academic Misconduct
We've created a guide all about Academic Misconduct, so make sure to check it out here.
Academic misconduct covers Plagiarism; the act of claiming the work of others as your own, Collusion; when two students copy one another, and all forms of cheating in exams.
The University expects all students to act with academic integrity throughout their time at university in order to avoid being accused of academic misconduct. To make sure that you understand exactly what this means, please read this guide that they have written.
If you are accused of Academic Misconduct, you will be invited to meet with one of the Universities disciplinary committees and to submit a statement in your defence.
The Advice Hub can help you understand disciplinary procedures, draft your statement with you and accompany you to the meeting for moral support, We can also represent you if you wish to appeal the decisions of the disciplinary committee.
Temporary Suspension of Studies (TSS)
We've created a guide all about Temporary Suspension of Studies, so make sure to check it out here.
A Temporary Suspension of Studies or “TSS” is an agreement with Heriot-Watt that you can have a break in your studies. The break can last for one semester, or for a maximum of a full academic year. During this time your place at the University is held for you so you can resume at the agreed time. To request such a break, you apply to the University for a “Temporary Suspension of Studies” (TSS). You will need evidence of your circumstances.
your Personal Tutor
Your Personal Tutor is an important contact point and you should speak them at least once a semester, or more often if you need support. They can offer advice about a variety of topics around your academic or non-academic life, such as your courses or anything that might be affecting your life at university.
You can find out who your Personal Tutor is by going to the Student Portal then clicking 'Student Services' and then 'Your student record' at the top of that page you'll find the name and email address of your personal tutor.
Find out more about Personal Tutors and what they can help with on the University Website.
Making a complaint
If you aren't happy with any aspect of your time at Heriot-Watt, then don't sit in silence. The University has a guide for students wishing to make a complaint here, and we can provide support to you through the claim.
The Advice Hub is independent of the University, so we can discuss your complaint with you and advise on the actions you can take.
Equally, if you’d like to make a complaint about our service or the Student Union more generally you can do in writing to the President and find our complaints policy here.
Useful Links 
The University’s information on the appeals procedure.
Information Services, covering study space, Power Hours and finding academic resources.
Heriot-Watt’s guide to mitigating circumstances, including the mitigating circumstances form to download.